Short cuts are keyboard aplied functions which ease you the stress of passing through several processes using the mouse to actualize a given command in the system
There are many keyboard short-cuts, but on this post, below are the available ones. do check back for more updates:
Ctrl A - to select all
Ctrl B - Bold
Ctrl C - Copy
Ctrl D - Duplicate
Ctrl E - Centralize
Ctrl F - Find & Replace
Ctrl G - Find & Replace
Ctrl H - Find & Replace
Ctrl I - Italic a text
Ctrl J - Justify
Ctrl K - Insert Hyperlink or Break apart
(Corel draw)
Ctrl L - Align Left
Ctrl M - Move indent to the right
Ctrl N - Open new document
Ctrl O - Open saved document
Ctrl P -
Ctrl Q - Move the indent back to the margin or
convert to curve (Corel
Ctrl R - Align Right
Ctrl S - Save
Ctrl T - Move lower indent to the right
Ctrl U - Underline
Ctrl V - Paste
Ctrl W - Close the current window
Ctrl X - Cut
Ctrl Y - Redo
Ctrl Z - Undo
Shift F3 - change case (uppercase, lower case)
Alt F4 - close current window
Ctrl Shift A - Small cap
Ctrl Shift = - Super script
Ctrl = - Subscript
Ctrl Space bar - Removing format
Ctrl End - End of document
Ctrl Home - Beginning of document
F1 - Help
F12 - Save as
Ctrl F2 - Print Preview
Ctrl F6 - Swish over to next current document
Shift F7 - Using dictionary (finding meaning of
a word)
Ctrl F10 - used to restore your window down (the
same to maximize)
Ctrl F12 - Open saved document (Ctrl O)
F5 - refresh your desktop / go to
F12 - Save As